Mall Galleries

Royal Institute of Oil Painters Open Call 2024 is Now Open

Artists are invited to submit work for exhibition alongside members of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters at the ROI Annual Exhibition 2024 The Royal Institute of Oil Painters was founded in…


Opportunity Details

Closing Date


United Kingdom


Visual Arts

Artists are invited to submit work for exhibition alongside members of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters at the ROI Annual Exhibition 2024

The Royal Institute of Oil Painters was founded in 1882 and is the only major British art society that promotes and exhibits work of the highest standard exclusively in oil paint. (From this year, work in acrylic is no longer accepted.)

The ROI Annual Exhibition features work by many exciting emerging painters alongside the work of more established names.

This year’s special theme is ‘EAT’ – for which The ROI Themed Painting Prize is on offer to the best interpretation. However the theme is optional, one aspect of a larger exhibition, to which oil paintings of all subjects are welcome.

Successful applicants can expect:

• To have their selected work included in the ROI Annual Exhibition at Mall Galleries, in the gallery, and online

• Eligibility to win prizes and awards

• An invitation to the Private View

• The chance to sell their work

• To be part of a network of exhibiting artists dating back to 1882 when the ROI was founded

• The possibility of election to membership (for more information about becoming a member, please visit the ROI website)

Submissions are ONLINE ONLY and open until Friday 4 October

We recommend that artists submit early to allow for assistance with their application if required.

For more information, visit Royal Institute of Oil Painters