British Council
Festival Travel Grants 2025
The British Council works around the world to support the UK’s arts and culture sectors to be better connected internationally, increasing engagement by international audiences and favourability towards UK arts and culture. Providing opportunities for purposeful international engagement by UK creative professionals is key to this, and we are pleased to be able to offer festival travel grants to mainland China.
There are many artistic festivals in mainland China, often presenting innovative and experimental work to an international standard. The grants will allow representatives of UK arts festivals to travel to mainland China in 2025, to gain a better understanding of the cultural landscape and build their capability to engage with Chinese partners, make connections and lay the groundwork for future collaboration.
Travel Grants
Grant Amount
Grants will be offered of up to £3,000. Each festival is only eligible to receive one grant per year and we anticipate that we will be able to offer around five grants in total.
For more information, visit British Council
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