Arts Council of Wales
Call-out for expressions of interest: Wales-Japan Culture Fund
Today, 17 January 2025, Wales Arts International, the international agency of the Arts Council of Wales and British Council Wales, with support from Welsh Government, are launching a dedicated Wales-Japan Culture Fund to support arts activity between the two countries during 2025.
The fund is part of the year-long campaign launched at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff last week to stimulate new economic and cultural partnerships between the two nations, bringing long-lasting benefits to both countries.
Open to individuals and organisations working in the arts in Wales, a fund totalling £150,000 is being made available to:
- extend and amplify existing arts partnerships and collaborations between Wales and Japan
- develop new artistic and cultural connections and collaborations that will build long-term sustainable relationships between artists, arts organisations and cultural practitioners
The Fund follows on from the success of similar joint funding opportunities to enable arts activity during the Years of Wales in France 2023-2024 and Wales in India 2024-2025.
Applicants will be able to apply for funding of between £1,000 and £40,000, and the deadline for expressions of interest is Wednesday 5 March 2025.
For more information, visit Arts Council of Wales
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