
Call out for artists to refurbish five side rooms at Royal Brompton Hospital

rb&hArts is pleased to offer a commission to an artist to create a series of artworks for five side rooms on the Princess Alexandra Ward, Royal Brompton Hospital. The side rooms…


Opportunity Details

Closing Date




Visual Arts

rb&hArts is pleased to offer a commission to an artist to create a series of artworks for five side rooms on the Princess Alexandra Ward, Royal Brompton Hospital. The side rooms are used to care for patients recovering from cardio-thoracic surgery. The commission will result in a series of works adhered to the wall (digital wallpaper/ vinyls) , and possibly ceilings.

Overrall, the commission will contribute to a clear, calm and relaxing environment to aid patient recovery.

rb&hArts is committed to co-creation, and we would like an artist to work directly with staff, patients and visitors through a creative process that will influence the conception of the final work of art.

Themes & Styles

  • Calm and soothing colours and shapes

  • Soft shapes and lighting

  • A relationship with nature and circadian rhythms

  • Avoid figures, realistic landscapes, or repeating patterns


We want the commissioned artist(s) to understand the experiences of the patients and staff who use the side rooms, and to incorporate these ideas into the final artwork.  We will set up initial site visits and meetings for you to meet key members of the team. And we will support you to lead a process of creative engagement, for example through workshops.


The commission for the whole project is £5,000 incl. VAT, not including manufacturing costs. The fee includes:

  • Artist Research and Development
  • Artist time for workshops with patients, staff and visitors
  • Artist Design
  • Installation costs

For more information, visit rb&hArts