Want to write? Top tips for making it as a Creative Writer

Oh the life of the writer: visions spring to mind of days whiled away sitting in cafes, sipping espresso, being paid to type away into a shiny ibook. But how do you go about making this dream a reality? Get some life experience, take a class, and appreciate that you will probably have to hack your masterpiece to pieces before it sees the light of day, are just some of the pearls of wisdom from Jud
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Oh the life of the writer: visions spring to mind of days whiled away sitting in cafes, sipping espresso, being paid to type away into a shiny ibook.

But how do you go about making this dream a reality? Get some life experience, take a class, and appreciate that you will probably have to hack your masterpiece to pieces before it sees the light of day, are just some of the pearls of wisdom from Judy Holland, published author and creative writing lecturer at Goldsmiths University.

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Serena Sharp
About the Author
Serena Sharp is at Goldsmiths studying Media and Modern Literature.