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When Sesame Workshop went to market, to market with its DVD line for babies in April this year, child-development agencies and experts were outraged. Tiny tots shouldn't be sitting in front of the tube, should they? But other experts, who helped create 'Sesame Beginnings', feel its launch was a milestone.
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When Sesame Workshop went to market, to market with its DVD line for babies in April this year, child-development agencies and experts were outraged. Tiny tots shouldn’t be sitting in front of the tube, should they? But other experts, who helped create ‘Sesame Beginnings’, feel its launch was a milestone.

In an article in the Washington Post, staff writer Donald Oldenberg noted that: “The company does not appear to have consulted with the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) or neurologists.” It is widely understood and accepted that almost all significant human brain development occurs between 0-3 years.

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Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy
About the Author
Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy is a theatre director, actor trainer, dramaturg and writer.