Reshaping the peak bodies

As the papers overflow with stories of city bankers collecting record Christmas bonuses, it’s a different story for those in the arts. While bonus recipients might choose to spend their booty on opera and art (and champagne), the arts scene itself has had a turbulent year, with funding cuts and restructures, particularly for the peak bodies in the UK.
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As the papers overflow with stories of city bankers collecting record Christmas bonuses, it’s a different story for those in the arts. While bonus recipients might choose to spend their booty on opera and art (and champagne), the arts scene itself has had a turbulent year, with funding cuts and restructures, particularly for the peak bodies in the UK.

At a glimpse, Arts Council England has been restructured, the Scottish Arts Council is having a major facelift and the Arts Council of Wales is under review.

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Emma Sorensen
About the Author
Emma Sorensen is a freelance writer and editor. She was previously Editor of Arts Hub UK. She has a background in literature and new media, having worked as an editor and commissioning editor in book publishing, as well as with websites and magazines in the UK and Australia.