New Director for central ballet

At the end of 2005, the Central School of Ballet announced the appointment of their new Director, Bruce Sansom. The former Royal Ballet Principal officially took up his post on January 9th, 2006 when the school commenced its spring term. Sansom’s highly esteemed performance career, his international teaching experience and astute business sense were all considered invaluable assets for the futur
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At the end of 2005, the Central School of Ballet announced the appointment of their new Director, Bruce Sansom. The former Royal Ballet Principal officially took up his post on January 9th, 2006 when the school commenced its spring term. Sansom’s highly esteemed performance career, his international teaching experience and astute business sense were all considered invaluable assets for the future of Central school.

Bruce Sansom began his dance training at the chipper and tender age of four; “I started at a local dance school when I was almost 4-years old with no idea that this was the start of a career path …I just really enjoyed moving to music.”
The first ballet works Sansom saw must have made a deep impression. Sansom recalls, “It was either Rudolph Nureyev’s production of The Nutcracker for The Royal Ballet or Sir Frederick Ashton’s La Fille mal Gardee. “ And interestingly, Bruce Sansom went on to dance the role of Colas in La Fille for the rest of his dance career.

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Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy
About the Author
Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy is a theatre director, actor trainer, dramaturg and writer.