National Skills Academy

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” could be a phrase of the past for the future of UK arts.
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“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” could be a phrase of the past for the future of UK arts. Earlier this year Creative & Cultural Skills (CCSkills) submitted a proposal for Britain’s first-ever National Skills Academy (NSA) for Live Performing Arts and Music, following the launch of a new Government training initiative. Government has accepted this proposal and invited CCSkills to draw up a detailed business plan with a view of committing £7 million to the project. The arts industry is also on board, with prestigious names including the Royal Shakespeare Company, EMI Group, National Theatre, Live Nation, Arts Council England and English National Opera lending their support and hopefully donating their cash: around £3 million to make up the estimated £10 million start up costs.

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Debbie Davidson
About the Author
Hailing from the UK, Debbie has worked extensively in the performing arts and entertainment as an actor and teacher, spending many years with The Soho Group, London. She moved to Australia in 2000 where she headed an online arts and entertainment career board and contributed to many magazines. Careers in Performing Arts and Entertainment is her first book (although she hopes not her last).