Mime how you go

It's more than words, it's the 29th Annual London International Mime Festival.
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The last time so many Francophiles descended on Britain they won the Battle of Hastings and made the Saxons learn to speak French. Fortunately, no such conquering shenanigans are on the agenda for the 29th Annual London International Mime Festival, although it will be the much anticipated French performers leading the charge.

Running from 13th to 28th January at venues throughout central London, the Festival bills itself as “Eye-popping visual theatre for the digital age.” The programme is crammed with exciting acts that consistently blur the boundaries between mime, theatre, puppetry, and acrobatics. Audiences can also expect all manner of audio-visual weirdness to help set the mood. Not that the Festival sets out to be deliberately odd, more that the offbeat, irregular nature of the media make strangeness seem almost inevitable.

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.