Independent Media – a Small Story

Earlier this month, more than 3,500 people gathered in Memphis for the National Conference for Media Reform, and thousands more participated online. We take a small look at the big picture they champion -- independent media and plurality of voice.
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Earlier this month, more than 3,500 people gathered in Memphis for the National Conference for Media Reform, and thousands more participated online.

Among their critical concerns, media concentration in a print, broadcast and electronic eco-system where political and economic capital are ever more closely interrelated.

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Suzanne Olb
About the Author
Suzanne's career in the arts industry began in communication. Between reviewing the arts for twelve publications Suzanne (deputy) edited Australia's national performing arts magazine New Theatre: Australia, then joined the Victorian Arts Council as Communications Manager. Suzanne is co-founder of explosivemedia event management, which she provides with a creative focus, directing all event conception, design, copywriting and creative programming. She has lectured at the Victorian College of the Arts, the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne and at Box Hill TAFE, covering such subjects as Marketing the Arts, Communication, Theatre Studies and Australian Drama. Suzanne feels a strong commitment to the arts and often travels interstate and overseas to keep abreast of industry and artistic developments.