How to record your first album: Karl Morgan talks to Becky Land

Karl Morgan is in an enviable position. The 20-year-old singer songwriter is in studio recording his first album. Like the best rock idols, he has holed himself up in a studio in West Wales to lay down seven tracks that he hopes will catch the ear of the big names in the business. Beck Land speaks with Karl and finds out what it's like to record your first album.
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Karl Morgan is in an enviable position. The 20-year-old singer songwriter is in studio recording his first album. Like the best rock idols, he has holed himself up in a studio in West Wales to lay down seven tracks that he hopes will catch the ear of the big names in the business.

Karl’s been gigging live for nearly two years and has used the time to develop his own style and he admits he is now ready to set his talent in stone (or at least on CD). I pop into Sonic-One Studio half way through a continuous eight-day stint where Karl and producer Tim Hamill have been working with a whole series of musicians on the album – working title “Unpredictable”

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Becky Land
About the Author
Becky Land has been writing and broadcasting for 15 years. After working for the BBC for 12 years she now writes for websites and business and lifestyle magazines as well as offering PR training to SMEs. In her spare time she is trying to stand up on her surf board and is relearning the oboe.