Gibert and George: you can’t have one without the other

Described as art's odd couple, Gilbert and George are rarely out of the headlines when they release a new artwork. So it's no surprise that their retrospective at the Tate is drawing more than a few raised eyebrows...
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Well acquainted with controversy, dynamic London art duo, Gilbert and George, are set to claim centre stage in the art world once more.

Described by Tory MP Ann Widdecombe last year as “blasphemous in the extreme”, Gilbert and George are staging a major retrospective of their work at Tate Modern, opening 15 February 2007.

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Ellie Campbell
About the Author
Ellie Campbell works in film and television production. Her production team credits include Moulin Rouge, The Matrix, Love My Way and more recently, Sinchronicity for the BBC. She has had articles and fiction published in both US and Australian journals.