Geraldine Collinge: bringing performance poetry to the masses

"Dustbins and poetry? Sounds like an unlikely combination, but not when you are talking to Geraldine Collinge, Director of Apples & Snakes, the leading performance poetry organisation in the UK. This is just the sort of project that gets her excited. Walking into Battersea Arts Centre, you can feel a buzz in the air. Geraldine has just got off the phone to celebrated poet Roger McGough to discuss
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Dustbins and poetry? Sounds like an unlikely combination, but not when you are talking to Geraldine Collinge, Director of Apples & Snakes, the leading performance poetry organisation in the UK. This is just the sort of project that gets her excited.

Walking into Battersea Arts Centre (BAC), you can feel a buzz in the air. Geraldine has just got off the phone to celebrated poet Roger McGough to discuss her new venture, Write for Life, which will see poetry on dustbin vans around South London.

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Rachel Besser
About the Author
Rachel Besser is a freelance journalist and children's doctor based in London.