Christmas and cinematic memory

Christmas evokes powerful memories. That’s why for so many it is a difficult holiday. It is not really about the present; it’s that moment on the calendar when we inevitably become reflective. We are all of us haunted by the ghosts of Christmas Past. And the movies we surround ourselves with during the season are reservoirs for us all. Christmas marks the landscape of our past.
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Christmas evokes powerful memories. That’s why for so many it is a difficult holiday. It is not really about the present; it’s that moment on the calendar when we inevitably become reflective. We are all of us haunted by the ghosts of Christmas Past. And the movies we surround ourselves with during the season are reservoirs for us all. Christmas marks the landscape of our past.

And inevitably, the richest memories are of childhood. These are the most potent. Good or bad, they can be overcome, but never forgotten.

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E.P. Simon
About the Author
E.P. Simon is a NYC cultural historian, documentary filmmaker, and educator.