Career Profile: Maggie Tran, artist

Jesse Errey speaks to Maggie Tran who is a British artist whose work is informed both by her Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese heritage and by the nature of Britishness, femaleness, foreignness and other stereotypical notions of being.
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Maggie Tran is a British artist whose work is informed both by her Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese heritage and by the nature of Britishness, femaleness, foreignness and other stereotypical notions of being. She grew up in Cheshire and studied at Northumbria University, from which she received a sculpture award in 2004. Together with Graeme Walker she curated Bookville and the Bookville Publishathon at the Waygood Gallery in Newcastle, leading workshops in performance and publishing, and is currently working on “Performazine” — a curative project on paper and an exploration of the aesthetics of performance. Maggie Tran herself has performed in various locations in UK and Europe, appearing in such diverse guises as the Geisha in a Cupboard, The Ultimate Chinese Culture Fanatic, The Original Artiste, and The Enhancement of Creativity Fortuitous Fortune Teller.

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Jesse Errey
About the Author
Jesse Errey is a singer and freelance writer who has lived and worked in the UK and the Netherlands. She is a graduate in physical theatre and modern mime from Theaterschool, Amsterdam, and has a Diploma in Fine Art from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.