Career Profile: Jessica Ferguson, film maker

Jessica Ferguson is one of London’s new generation of filmmakers, studying film at the London College of Communication but to get there was no easy feat: she “rolled up with a portfolio filled with glitter and pestered the tutors until they let her on to the course.”
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Jessica Ferguson is one of London’s new generation of filmmakers. She is currently studying film at the London College of Communication. Jessica told Arts Hub that she “rolled up with a portfolio filled with glitter and pestered the tutors until they let her on to the course.” Jessica Ferguson has just completed her film Mysteries of The Supernatural, a dark comedy of errors set on the spooky and windswept coast of Kent which portrays one family wracked by superstitions and cabin fever, and she is currently working on a second short. Jessica Ferguson was recently shortlisted for Channel Four’s “Adventures in Recycling” Britdoc competition.

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Jesse Errey
About the Author
Jesse Errey is a singer and freelance writer who has lived and worked in the UK and the Netherlands. She is a graduate in physical theatre and modern mime from Theaterschool, Amsterdam, and has a Diploma in Fine Art from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.