Career Profile: Greg Ward, travel writer

Greg Ward is a long-standing Rough Guides stalwart and author of Rough Guides to the USA, Hawaii and France, among others - he tells us how he ended up with one of writing's most coveted jobs.
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Greg Ward is a long-standing Rough Guides stalwart and author of Rough Guides to the USA, Hawaii and France, among others. He’s currently taking time off to pursue other writing projects.

What do you do all day?
It all depends whether I’m on the road or not, writing or updating one of my guidebooks. If I’m travelling, I work really long hours, getting up before 6am and rushing around all day – there’s always so much to do, and so little time, and because I have to write about everything, I have to do stuff that wouldn’t normally appeal to me. And as I take photos too, early morning and sunset are always crucial times to try to be somewhere photogenic. If I’m at home, on the other hand, I lead a more desultory life, with an ongoing struggle to discipline myself to sit in front of my computer, writing endlessly and checking websites, sorting through photos, preparing maps, or whatever.

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Hannah Forbes Black
About the Author
Hannah Forbes Black is a freelance writer based in London.