Career Profile: Doreen Wittenbols, painter

Jesse Errey speaks to Doreen Wittenbols, a Dutch/Canadian painter currently working and exhibiting in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.
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Doreen Wittenbols is a Dutch/Canadian painter currently working and exhibiting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She studied in Montreal and has been awarded numerous grants and fellowships over the course of her career. The works of Doreen Wittenbols are often shocking in ways that you didn’t think paintings could be. With heartbreaking humanity, a little girl’s curiosity, and equal parts humour and rage, she trains her eye on sex and gender, holes and mirrors, traditions and transitions, and transforms everything she sees.

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Jesse Errey
About the Author
Jesse Errey is a singer and freelance writer who has lived and worked in the UK and the Netherlands. She is a graduate in physical theatre and modern mime from Theaterschool, Amsterdam, and has a Diploma in Fine Art from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.