Career profile: Dean Park, pantomime dame

Glaswegian Dean Park has played panto dames for twenty-seven years. He is currently appearing in Cinderella at the Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow. He also presents shows on Radio Clyde. Arts Hub caught up with Dean on a day off – a rare luxury in the pantomime season.
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Glaswegian Dean Park has played panto dames for twenty-seven years. He is currently appearing in Cinderella at the Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow. He also presents shows on Radio Clyde. Arts Hub caught up with Dean on a day off – a rare luxury in the pantomime season.

Where did it all start – are you from a theatrical background?
No – not at all. My Granny would say “Where did you come from?” and “He’s not one of us” – as I was singing to the bus driver, that sort of thing. I got involved in a band at school, and then won a scholarship to study opera at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.

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Maddy Bridgman
About the Author
Maddy Bridgman started her working life in the theatre, as a part-time usherette at Manchester's Royal Exchange. She has been a journalist working around the UK and covering a wide variety of subjects, for almost twenty years. Maddy is now freelance and lives in County Down, Northern Ireland.