Career Profile: Claire Fowler, filmmaker

Claire Fowler’s short films have been shown at festivals and galleries internationally, and her documentary will debut later this year - here she tells us about her job, how she got it, and being locked in a police cell for half a day.
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Claire’s short films have been shown at festivals and galleries in Croatia, Germany and the US, as well as in the UK. Her biggest project to date is Open Heart, a documentary following a Palestinian family as they attempt to arrange an essential heart operation for their infant son. It will premiere in the UK later this year.

What do you do all day?
I get up after 9am and go into my old college, which is doubling as my studio in the temporary absence of Final Cut Pro on my computer. Check my emails, make notes of any upcoming film festival deadlines and then do any number of pretty mundane things! I might be working on a pitch for work, or editing something, importing footage, burning DVDs of older work for festivals etc, compiling budgets or making applications for funding. Sometimes I’ll be filming of course, but that’s only about 10-20 percent of what I do.

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Hannah Forbes Black
About the Author
Hannah Forbes Black is a freelance writer based in London.