Brown’s Budget Giving the Arts the Blues

Another budget, another chance to moan. Except this year the arts really do have something to lament. Or to put it another way, the arts have nothing to lament. This is because there was no mention of the arts or creative industries in the 2007 budget.
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Another budget, another chance to moan. Except this year the arts really do have something to lament. Or to put it another way, the arts have nothing to lament. This is because there was no mention of the arts or creative industries in the 2007 budget.

The omission may have been because the Chancellor didn’t want to draw attention to the blow his Budget has dealt to the arts by re-channeling £112 million Lottery money originally intended for Arts Council England into the burgeoning 2012 Olympics fund.

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.