Blue Heaven in the Big Smoke

They're mute, they're blue, and they're coming at you. With paint.
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For the past year Blue Men have been spotted walking the streets of London. They move silently, are completely mute, and would be unsettling if they weren’t so damn cool. Whether these visions are hallucinations or not is a matter of opinion. For instance the editor is convinced she spotted one at a pub down Gloucester Road on New Year’s Eve.

“I can’t vouch for the sobriety of your editor,” said a spokesman for Blue Man Group, the company behind the zany West End hit show believed to be behind the apparitions, “but it is true there are a lot of people who are really into the show, so it’s possible one of them decided to go the whole hog and get Blued up for New Year.”

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.