Arts organisations behind the times in marketing

A study of UK arts businesses shows most are failing to take advantage of modern technology to market their businesses effectively.
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What would you say to a friend who continually made the same error over and over again? Imagine you’d watched for years as they took all the advice and guidance that friends and colleagues could muster, but somehow fell stubbornly into the same trap; month in, month out.

In 2015 that’s the situation too many arts organisations find themselves in: working hard to address chronic marketing and fundraising challenges in the wake of austerity, but resistant to changes that support audience development and deepen customer relationships. A small army of industry peers and consultants have tried to point a way through this, but somehow arts organisations won’t – or can’t – take the direction fully on board.

If that sounds like a sweeping generalisation, consider the results of Spektrix 2014 aggregate data study of the arts industry. Looking at over 10 million transactions and a billion web hits across 144 UK arts organisations: a frustrating picture emerges of opportunities repeatedly lost and chances continually missed.

Why are arts organisations failing to capture this market?

Read the Top 3 mistakes arts organisations make in marketing.

Then learn How to generate return audiences.

Michael Nabarro
About the Author
Michael Nabarro is co-founder and managing director of UK-based Spektrix