An Essay on Painting – Disinformation and The Origin of Painting

DJ and installation artist Joe Banks has pioneered the use of electromagnetic noise through his ground-breaking Disinformation project. He uses noise from sources such as live mains electricity, lightning, industrial and IT hardware, trains, magnetic storms and the sun. With ten UK solo exhibitions under his belt, experienced by over 100,000 people and described by The Guardian as “some of the mos
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“The Origin of Painting” is an electromagnetic sound, luminous graffiti and shadow wall, autodestructive portraiture and experimental painting installation, created and exhibited by the art and music group Disinformation. This exhibit is a highly interactive and enjoyable sound and light installation, that enables visitors to photograph their own projected shadows, to a soundtrack of live (and surprisingly musical) electromagnetic noise. The installation also enables (gallery and workshop) visitors to draw with light directly onto the surface of the painting – producing graffiti, abstracts, portraits etc which are
literally incandescent.

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Joe Banks
About the Author
Joe Banks is a noise DJ and installation artist and the founder of the ground-breaking Disinformation project (active since 1995). Joe pioneered the use of electromagnetic (radio) noise from sources such as live mains electricity, lightning, industrial and IT hardware, laboratory equipment, trains, magnetic storms and the sun as the raw material of musical and fine-art publications, exhibits and events. He has published his noise research project, "Rorschach Audio" with MIT Press.