10 Innovative Ways to Make Money as an Artist

Here is our list of top 10 Innovative Ways to Make Money as an Artist. And all of these Ways are legal!
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If you really believe it is possible to be an artist AND put food on the table then you might just be naïve and pig-headed enough to carve out a successful career in the arts. Artists that don’t starve either have very rich relatives or they’re only pretending to be artists. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways to ward off those hunger pangs.

So, to keep you going here is our list of top 10 Innovative Ways to Make Money as an Artist. All of these Ways are legal. We didn’t want to encourage you to do anything that would result in bad karma.

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.