Writing and Publishing
2024 Arts Conference and Summit Planner
Want to be inspired and give your career a boost in 2024? Then why not attend an arts conference? ArtsHub…
Why is the art world still married to meritocracy?
Part lottery, part systematic exclusion: three artists speak about the limitations of the meritocratic approach, and imagine how the art…
Why writing ‘cli-fi’ might relieve your eco-anxiety
How does writing fiction focused on climate change impact those who write it? Dr Rachel Hennessy, Alex Cothren and Amy…
Literary speed dating: swipe left or right?
Do you think you may be a good candidate for a three-minute power pitch to publishers and agents?
19 jobs to consider for a career change in 2024
Whether you have visions be in the spotlight, to lead from behind the scenes, or to go our on your…
Publishing trends from US perspective
Topical literary trends from a US perspective.
10 recently published arts books, worthy of a read
Arts publications worthy of your time. ArtsHub shares what's top of reading lists for November.
Setting in motion: what Ireland’s basic income pilot could mean
The success of the national campaign that established Ireland’s Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme offers a range of…
9 ways to help you deal with creative rejection
Hearing "no" is never easy but recovering from rejection is a necessary part of the artist’s life. Here are some…
So you want my arts job: Bibliotherapist
Though bibliotherapy is an ancient practice it's not particularly well-known, says Dr Susan McLaine, a practitioner of over 18 years…