Performing Arts
Festival snobbery?
Those who would argue that arts festivals are not sufficiently accessible point to ever increasing ticket prices as a sign…
Making the invisible visible
Somewhere in London there is a theatre company working its very own magic upon art and life and the very…
Is seeing believing?
In the 21st century photographic images, even those that purport to be honest representations of observed reality, should be taken…
Clore your way to the top
What is Arts and Cultural Leadership? And how do we define what qualities are required by arts and cultural organisations…
Held up - satire and the funnies
The unprecedented furor surrounding cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) could see the end of illustrated satire…
AIL scheme benefits the nation
MLA, the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, has acquired £4.5 million worth of items of cultural importance for the nation…
Disability explored, exposed and exhibited
Interested in attending Colchester Museums exciting and innovative conference on historical and contemporary disability issues to be held on March…
Why Irish arts are smiling
A battle is being fought on the front line of the arts scene in the United Kingdom, and it's one…
Victory for abusive artists
On the evening of January 31st, 2006 the Blair government suffered a shock defeat over its plans to combat racial…
Really Old School
People say you’re as young as the person you feel. And many artists, particularly those who’ve enjoyed commercial success, often…