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Learning from our art mistakes

We learn by failing, but rarely talk about it. Here, artists and arts workers from diverse sectors reflect on what…


From toxic theatre to safe spaces

Artists aren’t the problem when it comes to self-care; it’s the culture we work in which damages people. It’s time…

Career Advice

Want success? Then give up these 20 things

Rather than skilling up, we suggest toning down for success.


Age discrimination on the increase

Young workers expect older colleagues to get out of the way, freeing up jobs and ceding key cultural spaces.


Trump plans to cancel US arts endowment

President Trump's FY 2018 budget blueprint proposes the elimination of the US National Endowment for the Arts, which funds community…

Career Advice

When are you too old for your arts jobs?

In the arts, retirement is often not an option.


Beating subconscious sexism in the job market

We know people are more likely to hire people like themselves. So how do we break a pattern where Artistic…

Career Advice

How to manage intelligent workers

Creative workers need to know that they are understood and valued as a whole person and not an expendable unit…

Opinions & Analysis

For digital natives, the foyer is the point

We need to rethink our physical spaces to create meaningful live experiences for the constantly connected generation.

Career Advice

Why people quit their jobs

The old adage is that people leave managers, not jobs. But new research suggest that is not necessarily the case.

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