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Bigger, better, stronger: says new Arts Hub Chairman

Arts Hub founders Fiona Boyd and David Eedle have sold the company to someone whose interests it could be argued,…

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The Bard...perhaps not alive, but doing good deeds

The Bard - perhaps he's not actually alive, but he's clearly well and doing good deeds through the Shakespeare Schools…

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No market for first time filmmakers?

Earlier this year we spoke to big and small screen techno-thespian David Hewlett about his feature film debut A Dog's…

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Becoming urban

ARTS HUB NEW YORK: New York City was the gateway to the twentieth-century in America, and the city became the…

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A meeting of artistic ideals: Flour and Microsoft

One of the shortlisted collaborations for the Arts & Business Awards was an unlikely relationship between Microsoft Research and Flour,…

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Centre of emerging arts: Bristol

Bristol’s largest population group is aged between 20 to 24 years while overall the nation’s largest population group is aged…

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An Arts Blogs Primer

ARTS HUB AUSTRALIA: In the corner of the world that is arts opinion, blogs are having an increasing impact. Writers…

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Art in the toilet: Jay Rechsteiner

The Washroom Talks are an innovative idea - artist Jay Rechsteiner goes into the bathroom, public or private, to talk…

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The Children of Gutenberg: publishing in the digital age

At a recent conference in New York City, Google brought together more than 300 book publishers and authors from all…

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The Presenters

Some recently opened museums, devoted to history, culture, and tradition, are on the cutting edge of new thinking about the…

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