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Overcoming creation guilt in the arts

Should being busy really be a badge of honour? The mounting pressure for artists to create more, more, more may…


The new Australian corporate approach to art collecting

After a decade of flogging off their art collections, Australia’s top companies are embracing collecting but they want different results.


Singapore career opportunities for Australian arts professionals

As international art attention turns to Singapore for this week’s Art Stage Singapore, we meet the Australians who are shaping…


Unspoken rules of the art market

As a new collector, the art market might feel like an impenetrable club. It need not be. Collecting is simply…


What to read in 2016

Put away those colouring books. 2016 is a year when literary giants will return and some of the best books…


Development Methods: Bryan Elsley and the hard facts of an enchanted future

Bryan Elsley, who ran the Deadlock emerging writers scheme in Byron Bay, has some fascinating ideas about development, authenticity, new…


The best films of 2015

How many of 2015's top films did you see? How many have you scheduled for viewing over the summer?


Outgrowing the ‘ta-dah!’ moment in contemporary circus

The pause for applause after completing a trick regularly punctuates circus shows – but is it impeding the art form’s…


Learning from reality television

The arts used to pursue cultural popularity but decry popular culture. Not any more.


Dinner party answers every arts believer needs

Arm yourself with smart comebacks to the people who insist on telling you arts funding is a waste of money.

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