Career Advice
The essential skills of a great producer
Can't act, can't sing, can raise money? Sorry but that is not the recipe for a great producer.
Exit with grace
What do you do when you get a new job? Flip your boss the bird and cartwheel out of the…
So you want to be a screenwriter
Brisbane-based screenwriter Jacqueline Cook offers advice on how to make a career out of writing for the screen.
Why your employers hate you
For anyone who’s ever felt that their employer isn’t exactly their greatest fan, here are some possible reasons you’re not…
You weren’t hired because…
The sting of rejection tends to get the better of most of us, but rather than weeping over your losses,…
What is your greatest achievement?
You might think you’ve achieved a lot in your life, but narrowing the list down to one stellar example could…
Keep quiet about your private life
Sharing too much information about your private life in a professional environment is seldom a very good idea.
Remind people you are hunting
A new year offers opportunities to boost your job hunt.
Stand out from the crowd in your New Year job hunt
The most difficult part of getting a job in the arts world remains its harshly competitive aspect, so we’ve gathered…
Ten ways to foster creativity
Learn to harness your capacity to get creativity from others.