Career Advice
Welcoming a newbie to the office (from the archives)
Giving new recruits a login and showing them where the toilets are is not enough to make them productive employees.
8 steps to rewrite your bio
A well-written bio does more than list your accomplishments. It makes readers curious.
Nine ways to cope with being a casual
Writers and artists have always had erratic work. But the casualisation of the workforce means arts managers and curators do…
Becoming location independent
Life as a digital nomad takes a little more than a laptop and a Lonely Planet guide.
Is originality over-rated?
In the age of the mash-up, adaptations, reappropriations and covers can provide a more viable stream of work than doing…
Over-programming puts arts workers at risk of burnout
Doing too much can give you an adrenaline rush but it comes at a long term cost.
Seven steps to building your confidence
More than most fields, success in the arts depends on having the confidence to choose your own path and stick…
Writing for the boxed set
Television writing is sometimes seen as a poor cousin to book writing. But the present surge in televisual storytelling makes…
Choosing a career as a hyphenate
Juggling multiple roles isn't necessarily a compromise. The newly coined role of 'hyphenate' can be a thoughtful career choice.
Never ever need the job
Actors must be experts not just in acting but in how they approach an audition and that means developing detachment…