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Career Advice

Working through your creative blocks

In 2017, musician, composer and music teacher Erica Bramham set herself the challenge of writing a song a day. Here's…

Career Advice

How to make ideas happen

Three creative entrepreneurs – the founders of Parlour Gigs, Underground Cinema and Envato – share how they got started; how…

Career Advice

Top 10 career articles of all time

ArtsHub dips into our vaults to unearth the most popular career advice stories we've ever published.

Career Advice

Top ten student reads

It’s harder than ever to be a student in Australia, so ArtsHub has collated the best student articles to give…

Career Advice

Creating a family-friendly work environment

The future is family-friendly: advice on providing better support for parents and other caregivers working in the theatre.

Career Advice

Top 10 career articles of 2017

From finding a mentor to thinking like a leader, here are the year's 10 most popular pieces of career advice.

Career Advice

How to deal with tall poppy syndrome

Rather than cutting people down, we need to rethink how we view success, both in ourselves and others.

Career Advice

Six things to include in your home recording studio

Whether you’re making electronic music or delving into the world of podcast production, here are six essential tools to complete…

Career Advice

Expert tips for expanding non-government income

Industry leaders offer advice on how to build alternative sources of income for artists and S2M arts organisations.

Career Advice

How to write your artist bio

It's one of the most miswritten, most confused tools in the artist's kit of skills, and getting it right is…

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