
A string quartet playing classical works from memory
The acclaimed Vision String Quartet will embark on an extensive concert tour for Musica Viva on its first visit to…

Who is Atong Atem, the Australian artist showing at Tate Modern?
Atong Atem's photography allows the past and the future to co-exist in powerful ways, and its being noticed internationally.

Radical access: the future of access in the arts
Stellar thinkers and doers gather to consider radical access and the future of an inclusive arts industry.

Writers telling underside stories of the beautiful game
It’s the news no football fan wants to hear – that there are some shady back room dealings in world…

In conversation with Sir Simon Rattle
On the eve of the LSO's Australian tour, Sir Simon Rattle discussed life and music with ABC presenter, Martin Buzacott.

Voices of resistance: Iranian artists using art to amplify calls for freedom
As protests for women’s freedom in Iran enter the seventh month, Iranian artists around the world continue to support the…

So you want my arts job: Damian Callinan, comedian
There’s more to comedy than just making people laugh, Damian Callinan explains.

How ethnic female artists are ringing their own bells
Shared knowledge and experience can help women from ethnic backgrounds further their artistic practices.

How to make the most of a Fringe festival
Three Fringe festival veterans on why they love Fringe and their advice for newcomers.

How stand-up comedy is helping cancer patients tell their stories
The therapeutic possibilities of comedy are being explored at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre through workshops run by Rachel Berger.