Grant Details


Major Project

Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type



Visual Arts



Museums Galleries Scotland

Museum Development Fund

Apply to the Museums Galleries Scotland Museum Development Fund for up to £60,000 for Accredited Museums in Scotland to make strategic steps towards becoming more resilient.

Purpose of the fund

Our Museum Development Fund exists to support museums to deliver medium sized, strategic sustainable development projects in line with your own business plans and Scotland’s museums and galleries Strategy. 

Projects can run over 2 years and in all cases, you will have to tell us what difference the activity will make for your museum in relation to our grant outcomes and how you will measure and report this impact. As a result of our funding: 

  1. Funded organisations will be more resilient  
  2. Funded organisations will be more environmentally sustainable  
  3. Collections will be better cared for and managed and more accessible 
  4. The museum workforce will be more skilled, confident, and diverse
  5. A wider range of people will be engaging with and represented in museums 
  6. Museums will enhance quality of life for people by improving wellbeing, supporting learning, or contributing to place-making 

Delivering against our grant outcomes

You are required to demonstrate that your funded project will make a difference to your museum in line with two or more of our grant outcomes. You should consider carefully what you will be able to measure to report this impact as a direct result of the funded activity. You should not be tempted to say it will meet lots or all of the outcomes if you will not be able to evidence this at the end of your project. Doing so will weaken your case for funding rather than strengthen it. 

Additional guidance about what we are looking for in respect to each of these outcomes is provided and should be read by all prospective applicants. It can be accessed by clicking on each of the outcomes above. 

For more information, visit Museums Galleries Scotland

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