artshub-au's Latest Articles
Exploitation is at the core of the arts industry
We have reached Year Zero, a point where cultural policy and infrastructure no longer serves the interests of the arts,…
Survival should never be the aim
Lisa Havilah explains why cultural institutions should be radical and participatory, and shares her secrets to success.
Exposing the creative industries fallacy
The idea of creative industries is based on an economy that has no way to count the things that matter.
Creatives share traits with psychopaths
Bold, sexually appealing, risk-taking, arrogant... are you a psychopath or just creative?
Why people choose arts experiences (the wombat's a clue)
Animal insights can help clarify what your audience is looking for and how they see you.
Nightmare chairs and how to survive them
The chairs who run arts boards are usually corporate successes and often rich and powerful. But that doesn't necessarily mean…
Anti-burnout advice for freelancers
Fluctuating workloads and financial pressure is a recipe for burnout in freelancers. We've collected strategies to help identify and defeat…
Jedi art warriors could save our society
The arts may contain the answer to a failing society but only if we stop buying in to the dominant…
Eight lessons from the arts that could save our souls
The keys to successful creative art are also the keys to a good life.
Understanding your competition
Knowing what other creative practitioners are doing is essential to pitching your own marketing.