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Pilar Corrias

Mary Ramsden: Desire Line

Pilar Corrias is pleased to announce Desire Line, Mary Ramsden’s sixth solo exhibition with the gallery. Captivated by the sheer range of…


Pilar Corrias

Sedrick Chisom: The Villain of History for One Night Alone

Pilar Corrias is pleased to present The Villain of History for One Night Alone, Sedrick Chisom’s third solo exhibition with the gallery. Interested…

Professional Development

Art Fund

Jonathan Ruffer curatorial grants

These grants provide funding for travel and other practical costs, to help curators undertake collections and exhibition research projects in…


Idlewild Trust

Idlewild Trust grant - Conservation

Aim: We support the conservation of cultural heritage of recognized national and international importance in museums, libraries, galleries, historic buildings…

Professional Development

Idlewild Trust

Idlewild Trust grant - Arts

Aim: We support training opportunities for professionals, working creatively and backstage, within the performing and visual arts, at an early stage…


Danish Arts Foundation

Curatorial Research Programme

Funding for curatorial research travels for curators, directors of art institutions, art critics, and other art professionals. For more information, visit…


Danish Arts Foundation

Production and Exhibitions

Grants for the production, dissemination, and exhibition of contemporary art in Denmark, as well as for exhibiting Danish contemporary art…

Courses & Training

Artswork Professional Development

Logic Models for Project Planning & Evaluation

A focused lunch and learn session to help enhance your project planning and evaluation processes through logic models.

Courses & Training

Artswork Professional Development

Understanding Threshold Guidance in Safeguarding: Assessing When to Report

A focused lunch and learn session on threshold guidance in safeguarding for those in creative, cultural, and heritage sectors.

Professional Development

Artswork Professional Development

Essential Safeguarding for Museums & The Heritage Sector

A focused course on safeguarding essentials tailored to the needs of museums and the heritage sector.

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