National Skills Academy
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” could be a phrase of the past for the future of…
Giving art
Christmas is almost here. So what can arts lovers give each other?
Museum architecture: it's all sharp angles to me
Once Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Guggenheim Museum, the genie was out of the bottle. Museum architecture could and would…
Art Underground
London’s art scene has gone quite literally underground thanks to three not-so-new yet thriving initiatives from Transport for London.
Reshaping the peak bodies
As the papers overflow with stories of city bankers collecting record Christmas bonuses, it’s a different story for those in…
Staying Alive
According to a recent poll of 268 artists from across the US conducted by the School of Arts and Culture…
The changing face of artist communities
We might think of an artist community as an isolated place, a center for nourishment, a place to think, create,…
No change, please, at All Change Arts
For two decades All Change Arts has been offering disaffected Londoners the chance to have a voice in the city's…
Golden States of Grace
Rick Nahmias’ exhibition of photographs currently on view at the Fullerton Museum Center in Fullerton, California, Golden States of Grace:…
Exodus Onstage
“Artists reach areas far beyond the reach of politicians,” Nelson Mandela told a group of musicians in Trafalgar Square five…