How to identify your market segment
Understanding Culture Segments can help galleries and arts organisations identify, engage, attract and keep audiences coming through their doors.
Online platforms redefine work
If a 9-5 job doesn’t leave time for your creative work and your art doesn't pay the bills, a peer-to-peer…
Making collaborations work for you
Two heads can be better than one but they can also be twice the headache if you don't know what…
Dealing with rejection
Advice on how to build resilience and maintain momentum in your job search.
Five architects shortlisted for Sydney Modern Project
Australia is one step closer to creating its next signature museum, with architects shortlisted for Sydney Modern.
Finding the right business to partner your arts organisations
Businesses like BP and Transfield look like great partners for arts organisations. But if you don't ensure genuine common interest…
Are you ready for young audiences?
Every arts organisation says they want young audiences. But you should be careful what you wish for.
Artists versus arts workers
Arts managers are an important part of the sector but they are kidding themselves if they think they are artists.
Ten Reasons for Optimism
The upbeat theme of optimism brought 250 international museum professionals to Sydney this week for the Communicating the Museum conference.…
Indigenous creatives ACCELERATE into leadership roles
Through its ACCELERATE program the British Council nurtures the leadership potential of Indigenous high achievers in the arts.