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First creative arts Laureate awarded in Australia

A NSW academic has received $3.2 million to harness immersive visualisation technology and pioneer a new approach to the study…


Redundancy, renovation and restructuring: coping with chaos

Working in an organisation going through a restructure or redevelopment can be a boon or a bust for your career.


Prioritising self-care in the arts

Looking after yourself is an important part of maintaining creative energy


The Arts salute the 1967 Referendum and Sorry Day

This week reminds us of the importance of respect.

Career Advice

Why you need to say no

In order to say yes to the good stuff, you’ve got to learn to say no.

Career Advice

Staying strong while working in the arts

Six strategies to assist arts practitioners in achieving a healthier professional life.


Learning from our art mistakes

We learn by failing, but rarely talk about it. Here, artists and arts workers from diverse sectors reflect on what…


From toxic theatre to safe spaces

Artists aren’t the problem when it comes to self-care; it’s the culture we work in which damages people. It’s time…

Career Advice

Want success? Then give up these 20 things

Rather than skilling up, we suggest toning down for success.


Age discrimination on the increase

Young workers expect older colleagues to get out of the way, freeing up jobs and ceding key cultural spaces.

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