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Top 10 YouTube videos of 2012

As we say goodbye to yet another year we take a look at what YouTube videos had all the world…

Career Advice

Stand out from the crowd in your New Year job hunt

The most difficult part of getting a job in the arts world remains its harshly competitive aspect, so we’ve gathered…

Opinions & Analysis

10 arty websites to browse

Not a fan of the great outdoors? Suffer from agoraphobia or severe introversion? Keep yourself occupied inside this summer with…


What makes art taboo?

Taboo art can serve many functions: it can open up a dialogue about a sensitive topic; it can break new…

Opinions & Analysis

Art that changes lives for disadvantaged youth

How do we best utilise the capacity of the arts to engage young people and ensure they become decent and…

Opinions & Analysis

Why are we obsessed with celebrity?

On the eve of the inaugural Celebrity Studies Journal Conference, the convenor asks why we live with the constant beat…

Opinions & Analysis

Understanding health care with a paintbrush

Using painting as a research tool has enabled a new understanding of creativity in cancer support, pharmacy and Aboriginal health.

Career Advice

Ten ways to foster creativity

Learn to harness your capacity to get creativity from others.

Opinions & Analysis

Teaching scientists to respect the arts

The myth that science is superior to arts would end if all higher education courses included a creative component.


Hurricane Sandy: New York's unwanted blockbuster

New York's arts and entertainment community is reeling from the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

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