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4186 resultsA bleak future for regional art galleries?
A chance enquiry before Christmas has plunged Worthing Borough Council into conflict with its residents. And the outcome of this…
I'll have some 'Cultural Diversity' with that
'Cultural diversity’ seems to be trilling on everyone’s lips at the moment. Here in England, maybe it’s on our mind…
Creativity - the economy's new currency
Author Richard Florida's proposition in his bestseller The Rise of the Creative Class is straightforward: 'In this new millennium, the…
'Your BBC, your say': orders the Government
‘A unique institution’ is a term that nicely fits the shoulders of the BBC. Now this respectable institution has been…
Data: the power of facts and figures
As the adage goes – knowledge is power, and for the arts councils of England, Scotland and Wales, it seems…
Not a new generation, but a her-storical new media
The documentation of women’s history or 'her' story has more often than not been constrained by social dictates – namely…
Across cultures and borders – Culture 2000 and beyond
The European Union's funding strand for pan-European cultural projects, Culture 2000, has been extended beyond 2004 and will now continue…
Bringing museums to life
How does a site-specific performance piece for children become an interactive visual art exhibition? Sue Buckmaster, the Artistic Director of…
Ultrasounds from Iceland
Contact mikes hidden in apples prior to devouring; kettles boiling and the sounds of coffee-making - the imaginative electronic compilations…
Marketing, multicultural-style
Arts organisations need to implement a permanent strategy to successfully increase the size and diversity of audiences for their work,…