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10 recently published arts books, worthy of a read
Arts publications worthy of your time. ArtsHub shares what's top of reading lists for November.

How to pitch your work to a festival director
Three festival directors offer tips on pitching your art for inclusion in their events.

Setting in motion: what Ireland’s basic income pilot could mean
The success of the national campaign that established Ireland’s Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme offers a range of…

9 ways to help you deal with creative rejection
Hearing "no" is never easy but recovering from rejection is a necessary part of the artist’s life. Here are some…

Why we fail when we talk about talent
Using the word 'talented' as praise and encouragement devalues hard work, skill and learned ability. We need to use better…

Typewriter artist creates sensations with hidden messages
London-based artist James Cook uses typewriters to create masterful pieces.

Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility
Don't leave it to the people with accessibility needs to do all the heavy lifting.

So you want my arts job: Art Teacher, Costume and Jewellery Designer
Anna Kolusniewski runs a successful business teaching art classes for children and adults, while also creating stunning wearable pieces on…

Entering theatre at different life stages – taking another path
Some arts practitioners follow a straight line into their chosen profession. Others take a more circuitous path. Moving from the…

Now is the time to talk to your manager
Have you spent the year putting off that tough conversation? Now is the time to have it, and here’s how.