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4141 resultsThe Arts: An affair with business
Last December Arts & Business revealed figures showing support for the arts from private sources had grown to £530 million,…
Centre of emerging arts: Bristol
Bristol’s largest population group is aged between 20 to 24 years while overall the nation’s largest population group is aged…
Can public art change a community?
The Angel of the North has changed perceptions of public art, and put public art firmly on the map as…
An Arts Blogs Primer
ARTS HUB AUSTRALIA: In the corner of the world that is arts opinion, blogs are having an increasing impact. Writers…
Becoming Urban
New York City was the gateway to the twentieth-century in America, and the city became the emblem of the best…
How to make a Cheesecake
How many of you have sat down to write the great novel and simply had all thought, dreams, aspirations, grand…
Pittsburgh arts scene
First in a series of portraits of the arts scene in regions around the US, beginning with Pittsburgh, PA, a…
The great Hirst divide
Love his art, or hate it, Damien Hirst has made big waves through the art community and looks to continue…
Art in the toilet: Jay Rechsteiner
The Washroom Talks are an innovative idea - artist Jay Rechsteiner goes into the bathroom, public or private, to talk…
The Children of Gutenberg: publishing in the digital age
At a recent conference in New York City, Google brought together more than 300 book publishers and authors from all…