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Painting is all in the mind

A new computer program decodes brain signals to enable paralysed people to draw and paint.


Lydia Davis wins Man Booker International Prize

New York-based Lydia Davis has been awarded the fifth Man Booker International Prize 2013.


Jettison your e-reader, Qantas launches in-flight books

If anyone is going to sing the praises of the e-reader it's an airline right? Well, don't be so sure.


Stories from successful self-published authors

We talk to self-publishing authors who have sold over 1.5 millions books, signed publishing deals and generated additional income.


Arts job opportunities booming in Hong Kong

A massive cultural precinct development in Hong Kong promises jobs for museum, theatre and visual arts professionals.


Six megatrends changing everything

Great expectations and a virtual world are among the megatrends changing the role of museums and arts organisations.


Understanding creative collaboration

From theatre to multimedia, collaboration is at the core of the creative process. The AFTRS journal Lumina is tackling the…


From Cuba to the U.S., Hemingway returns

Unseen documents Ernest Hemingway left at his Cuban estate have finally returned to America, more than 50 years after his…


DRM-free e-books show no piracy increase

A year after removing digital rights management from its books sci-fi publisher Tor made a surprising announcement.


Fourteen unseen Dali artworks set to fetch £1 million

Unseen Dali works discovered by Bonhams' Impressionist and Modern Art are set to reach £1 million next month.

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