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Becoming location independent

Life as a digital nomad takes a little more than a laptop and a Lonely Planet guide.


Julie Lomax heads to Liverpool

Director of Visual Arts for the Australia Council, Julie Lomax will head to the Liverpool Biennale next year.


David Walsh reveals “Stuff we are planning to do”

Dreams have become plans for Mona's next stage with a reveal of designs, acquisitions and footprints for the future


Outgrowing the ‘ta-dah!’ moment in contemporary circus

The pause for applause after completing a trick regularly punctuates circus shows – but is it impeding the art form’s…


Learning from reality television

The arts used to pursue cultural popularity but decry popular culture. Not any more.


Dinner party answers every arts believer needs

Arm yourself with smart comebacks to the people who insist on telling you arts funding is a waste of money.


Five rules for an artist's budget

If you are not playing by these budgeting rules, don't expect the numbers to add up on an arts income.


Want young audiences? Lower your prices

Price hikes inflict disproportionate damage on the most sought after demographic: the young audiences who will deliver sustainability.


Eight ways to deal with post-project blues

You have just handed in your manuscript, finished a great season or closed the doors of your exhibition. You’re expected…


Getting to know the collectors

A new do-it-yourself guidebook, Private, make the top collections in Australia and New Zealand public.

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