
REVIEW: I have a secret to tell you (please) leave with me, Zero Visibility Corps

REVIEW: Fiona Kelly, winner of Arts Hub's competition to review opening night of Dancing the World, in Newcastle, tells us what she thought of I have a secret to tell you (please) leave with me by Zero Visibility Corps.
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Choreographed by Ina Christel Johannessen, founder of the Norwegian Zero Visibility Corps, I have a secret to tell you (please) leave with me opened Dance City’s international, ‘Dancing the World’ Festival in Newcastle upon Tyne on Friday night.

The packed Dance Lab was suddenly hushed upon the female protagonist of the piece enigmatically entering the stark, white box-stage punctuated only by a pommel horse. The poignancy of the female dancer exploring her space alone was reflected by haunting music-box chimes. A voyeuristic and deeply uncomfortable mood was evoked by the creeping presence of three men on the stage’s edge creating anticipation and dread.

This intriguing relationship between the principle dancer and the three men was a continual source of dramatic tension throughout the piece. At times she was circled, hunted, singled out and ultimately abandoned as helpless as she was blameless to their fascination with her. The oppressive spell of them determinedly stalking her was shattered by an intense battle: she challenges one of the men, engaging him in a vicious and masterfully performed sequence of breathtaking intensity.

Throughout the piece, the female protagonist was marked out not only by her sex, but by her movement – agile and languid in a thoughtful and deliberate style. The three men moved forcefully, with confidence, fusing street-dance with Capoeira sequences, adding energy to complement the serious and edgy spirit.

The music was paramount in driving the piece’s mood and it continually shaped the feeling of the sequences. The initial heady music-box chimes gave way to an uncomfortable static buzz and elated electronic sonar, leaving the audience wary and alert throughout.

I have a secret to tell you (please) leave with me is defined by its intensity and boldness. The story is not readily tangible and coerced along by the effective electronic music. Key sequences between the four dancers define the narrative more effectively than the sparse props and ensured that the audience were rapt right to the cyclical end of the piece.

Dancing the World runs in Newcastle until 24 May 2008. Visit for all the details.

Read an Arts Hub news story on two dance festivals by clicking here.

Editor’s note: Fiona was the winner of our competition for Dancing the World – she attended opening night, and reviewed it for Arts Hub. Stay tuned for future competitions…it could be you next time!

Fiona Kelly
About the Author
Fiona Kelly lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, and works for a Regional Screen Agency. She loves Newcastle, literature, culture and trying to see new things.