Keith Khan: Head of Culture for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad

Keith Khan's challenge as Head of Culture for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad is to coordinate a celebration of culture in a nation whose capital alone hears over 300 languages spoken every day. Arts Hub's Liz Seymour speaks to the man in charge of this daunting task.
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By the opening of the London Olympics in 2012, fifty years will have passed since Newsweek cited Charles de Gaulle’s wry enquiry as to how anyone could be expected to “govern a country that has 246 varieties of cheese?”. Half a century and around 240 kilometres away across the Channel, Keith Khan’s challenge as Head of Culture for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad seems rather more daunting and his subjects more expectant than your average Roquefort.

So just how do you coordinate a celebration of culture in a nation whose capital alone hears over 300 languages spoken every day?

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Liz Seymour
About the Author
Liz Seymour writes occasionally and has a black belt in sleep. She co-edits a magazine and shares an outdoor toilet with Sean Wilson. Check it out at the address below (the magazine).