
REVIEW: Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! The Oldham Coliseum Theatre

REVIEW: The Oldham Coliseum is one of the North West’s most dynamic Repertory Theatre Companies. This entertaining and thought provoking production further enhances the Coliseum’s reputation for producing high quality popular drama that is accessible for everyone.
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Written as a piece of agitprop theatre over 30 years ago, when problems with the country’s economy beset Italian politics, Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! is one of Dario Fo’s most popular and enduring plays. In the 1980’s it enjoyed a successful run in the West End with Alfred Molina and Sylvester McCoy in the original cast. Kevin Shaw’s revival for The Oldham Coliseum shows that three decades on the play has lost none of its political bite. Many of the play’s themes such as bosses ripping off their workers and utility companies charging high sky prices clearly resonated with the first night audience.

When a group of poverty stricken housewives led by friends Antonia and Margherita (a great comic performance from Michelle Hardwick) decide to loot a supermarket and hide the stolen swag in their houses, they set in motion a series of events that culminate in two phantom pregnancies and the suspected death of a police inspector. For the most part their husbands are oblivious to what the two women are doing, until eventually they also become involved in the ensuing chaos. Combining elements of commedia dell’arte with savage political satire, Fo’s anarchic farce is at once both insightful and also a hugely enjoyable theatrical romp.

Nancy Surman’s superb retro set, looks as if it has been partially inspired by Channel Four’s Shameless and cleverly unites all the disparate action enabling the production to be played throughout at a breathtaking speed.

The cast of five work extremely hard, especially Phil Rowson who struts around the stage like a dim witted mancunian John Travolta.

The Oldham Coliseum is one of the North West’s most dynamic Repertory Theatre Companies. This entertaining and thought provoking production further enhances the Coliseum’s reputation for producing high quality popular drama that is accessible for everyone.

Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! runs at The Oldham Coliseum Theatre until 23 February 2008.

Richard Hall
About the Author
Richard Hall is a freelance producer and arts consultant based in South Manchester. He has previously worked as a teacher, education officer and arts programmer working for a range of arts organisations including: The Birmingham Rep, English Touring Theatre, Royal Exchange Theatre and The Manchester Museum.